Application Form Required fields are marked * Player Details Name Date of Birth Address Line 1 Address Line 2 Town / City Postcode Telephone Medical Details (Please indicate if the player has any medical condition we should be aware of, e.g. asthma) Emergency Contact (i.e. Parent/Guardian/Other) Name Telephone Number (mobile preferred) Backup Contact In the event that the above named person cannot be reached, please give an alternative contact. Name Telephone Number Receiving Club Information & Providing Consent Information regarding fixtures and Club Newsletters will be circulated by email, please complete the box below with your primary email address, in doing so you are consenting to being contacted in this way. Email Address (For children under 16 a parent/guardian email address is required) Would you be happy to assist Avonvale Utd FC in attracting sponsorship from your employer? YesNo Avonvale Utd FC is run entirely by volunteers. In order to keep fees at their current level, and to ensure the Club runs smoothly for the benefit of the players, from time to time you will be called upon to assist with tasks during the season. From time to time, Avonvale Utd FC will use photographs and videos which may be included in match reports and for promotional purposes. Would you be happy for images of your child/yourself to be used in this way? YesNo Please note – Parents of Under 11s and younger are expected to remain on site during the training sessions. Please confirm you have read and will comply to the club's Code of Conduct (opens in a new window) I have read and will comply to the club's code of conduct Payment Youth Training Fees are £120 and can either be made as a one-off payment OR by 10 payments of £12 (totalling £120) which will be taken monthly. You will be provided with the links to pay immediately after submitting your application. Please note your application will not be processed until your first (or full) payment has been received. Fees will be re-paid if for any reason the application is not successful. By completing this form you are consenting to Avonvale Utd Football Club retaining your personal data, for membership purposes. Information on this form will be processed in line with the current Data Protection Legislation. Avonvale Utd Football Club will share relevant parts of the data with leagues and competitions to enable participation within. The data will not be shared with any other 3rd parties. The Club Secretary is the Data Controller and is responsible for the correct handling of all subject access requests made to the Club in regard to Data Protection.